Lesson 1: Pass on a Blessing
I recently read a children's book called The Bright Yellow Rope. It was such a simple story, but it really had a wonderful message.
In the story, Sylvester finds a bright yellow rope. He then gives to a boy whose goat has come unhitched from his wagon, who in turn gives it to the next person who needs it. Each person to receive the rope repeats this phrase when he passes it on to the next person:
"Hi there, friend. You sure have trouble. I'll help you quick as a bubble. Take my rope. Yes, you can keep it. Pass it on when others need it."
Each friend passes the rope along to the next person in need. Until it eventually comes back to Sylvester at just the time when he needs it.
"I'm so glad. Glad that I gave it. It came back because I gave it," says Sylvester.
What a powerful message!
Sylvester sees a friend in need.
He offers what he has.
The blessings multiply.
He in return is blessed.
If we hold too tightly to the things God gives, then our fists are closed and unable to accept the next thing God wants to give us. If we share, then our hands are open and ready to receive.
Lesson 2: Stay connected to the one who love us.
I recently heard that when a heavy storm was predicted in the Old West , that the homesteaders would do many things do prepare for the upcoming storm. One of them was to string a rope from their barn to their house so they could find their way home. Remember the Little House on the Prairie episode where the children were caught in a blizzard on the way home from school? The snow was so coming down so heavy and fast the children could not see their way home. These homesteaders would connect their barn to the house and use it to guide their way home.
How do we stay connected to God? Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us that as we seek Him and acknowledge Him, He promises do direct our paths.
If we seek Him and allow Him to direct our path, our hearts will be aligned with His and we will follow His plan for our lives rather than the path the world seeks for us to follow.