Monday, May 23, 2016

Jesus Gets The Last Word

Sandy returns home after a night on the street trying to sell herself to make money for her man.  It was cold and rainy and the usual traffic on Merlot Street was not to be found.  She wondered what would happen if she didn’t make her $2000 quota Thunder had given her, but she was too tired to work anymore.  Candy and Berry had long since gone home.  Thunder was never as hard on them as he was on her.  At 3am she quietly opens the door hoping that he will be asleep, but he’s there waiting on the couch.  The TV remote is in one hand and a beer in the other.  “Where’s my money?” he demands without so much as a hello.

“Baby, it was a slow night tonight, but I’ve got $1500,” Sandy tells him.

“1500?”  His voice booms loud just like his name. “Are you kidding me?  How we ever gonna get out of this place if you can’t manage to make any money?  You’re worthless!”

“Baby, I don’t know if I can do this anymore.  I’m tired.  I want more out of life than this.  I love you so much.  Maybe we can find another way.”

“Another way?  How do you suppose we’re gonna do that? You’re just a low life.  A prostitute and that’s all you’ll ever be.  You ain’t good for anything, but pleasing men.”

His words cut right to her soul.  Her dad had called her worthless many times, but this was worse.  She was filled with shame for the way she earned money.  She tried so hard, but could never seem to make Thunder happy.

“Why do you talk to me that way?  I have dreams you know.  I want to get married.  Have children,” she says sadly.

“Well you ain’t getting that from me!  And who else is gonna want you?  You’re used up.  Just a Ho.”  He snorts. “Remember the last time you tried to leave me?  You didn’t last 2 days!  You ain’t going anywhere you fool.”

Sandy cries herself to sleep for the 4th night that week.  I want out, but Thunder is right.  How could my life be any different?  This is the only life I know.  I didn’t graduate high school so how could I possibly get a real job. And who could possibly love me?  He’s right.  I am just a prostitute and that’s all I’ll ever be.
This is a fictional story, but a sad reality for many who are trapped in this lifestyle.  Their pimp fills their head with lies. They manipulate them into believing there is no hope for their life to be any different.  These women have a humble, desperate plea and most feel like there is no one there to hear their cries.

The bible tells us in Luke 23:32-43 of another story with a humble, desperate plea. 

Jesus is on the cross being crucified between two thieves.  One of the thieves hurls insults at Jesus, but the other makes a humble, desperate plea for Jesus to remember him.  “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (verse 42)

Jesus responds with a divine proclamation, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (verse 43)

To the watching crowd, the thief would soon be dead.  His life would be over.  Wasted.  But Jesus had spoken a proclamation over him.  Jesus had the last word and he spoke eternal life over him.

If Jesus doesn't speak it over you then it's not the last word.  You see, God can interrupt the story.  He can rewrite your story and give you a different ending. An ending that is even better than what you could imagine for yourself. Jesus gets the last word over your life.  Abuse, Brokenness, Shame (the list goes on) isn't the last word.  God desires to write a different ending to your story.

What lies or proclamation have been spoken over you?

What lies about yourself or your life do you believe?  Are you trapped in a cycle of hopelessness? 

Satan is a rewind artist.  He wants us to rewind and reread all the painful chapters of our life.  He wants us to stay stuck in the same painful rut without hope for anything to be different.

But God is a rewrite artist.  He can rewrite Sandy’s story and he can rewrite your story. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Happy To Be An Amateur

I was recently asked what came to mind when I heard the word amateur.  Our society tends to think of an amateur as someone who is unknowledgeable or unskilled.  Someone who is not quite at the level of a professional or an expert.  It often has a negative connotation to it.  Most of us would not want to be referred to as an amateur.

I was intrigued to learn that the Latin root for this word actually derives from amare meaning to love. 

According to the Etymological Dictionary of Modern English, the word amateur can be found as early as 1794 where it meant “one who has a taste for something” or “lover of.”

It referred to someone who does something purely because he loves it.

I just love this definition! I think we often discount ourselves or our efforts because we’re not “the expert” and we don't feel qualified.  We allow fear to hold us back from getting involved.  Reaching out to women, sharing the gospel with others, or stepping into broken relationships can be hard and messy.  It can be overwhelming to take that first step.

But if we shift our thinking to remind ourselves of WHY we are doing something it can change our whole perspective.  We don’t have to have all the answers.  We just have to be open and available and allow God to use us.  If we wait to get involved until we feel ready or equipped we may never get there. God wants to us to take a step forward in obedience and allow us to be vessels of his love.

Rather than feeling like I am not equipped to tackle a problem as large as human trafficking, I can begin to think of myself as a lover of:

Lover of freedom:  I am passionate about an end to human trafficking.

Lover of others: My heart breaks for those who are hurting and broken.

Lover of Jesus: I serve because I love Him and want others to know him. 
Yes, I am an amateur.  I am a lover of.

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