Ad·vent (noun) The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important.
Advent is a time when we prepare our hearts for the coming of something extremely important. The coming of our savior. The coming of our king.
This is one of my favorite Christmas pictures. We have it as an ornament on our tree. The Kneeling Santa. This time of year everyone is focused on Santa. But who is Santa focused on? Baby Jesus.
We spend so much time preparing, shopping and choosing the perfect gift for those we love. We need to remember that Jesus is the greatest gift of all. The presents we buy will be useful for a time and bring a moment of joy. Those gifts will eventually be lost, broken, worn out or forgotten. But the gift of Jesus is forever and His joy is eternal.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
It's easy to get caught up with the busyness of Christmas. We get busy with buying presents, wrapping presents, sending Christmas cards, baking cookies and attending parties. This list goes on. But without Christ there is no CHRISTmas. Let's keep our focus on Him.
Here are some suggestions for keeping our focus on Him:
- Do an advent study or family advent activities. There are many books you can purchase that outline your activities or you can find one on-line. Good Morning Girls has a free e-book you can download with some fun family activities to do.
- Do an Advent Wreath. If the thought of doing a study or activity every night seems too much to handle during this season of your life simply do the wreath. We eat by dim lights and candle light each night and say a simple prayer relating to which week of Advent we are in. The kids look forward to this every year now and have fun racing around to dim all the lights when it's time for dinner.
- Relect Him in your decorating. Display a nativity scene. If your kids are smaller check out the Little People Nativity. It's great for kids to play with and act out the story without the worry of them breaking something. Find a special ornament for the tree that reflects the reason for the season (like the one I mentioned above). I also like to collect gold cross ornaments for the tree.
- Say Merry Christmas. It saddens me now that so many people and stores are saying "Happy Holidays." Be sure to wish them a "Merry Christmas."
- American Family Association produces a Naughty or Nice list of retailers each year. You might want to check the list and see which stores are "Christmas-friendly" in their advertising and which ones are censoring "Christmas."
- Make a birthday cake for Jesus and sing happy birthday to him on Christmas morning.
- Read The Christmas Story as a family before opening presents. If not reading from the Bible, I like the Little Golden Book version the best.
- Say a prayer before opening presents. We use this one as our guide before all the excitement of opening the gifts begins:
Heavenly Father,
We gather surrounded by a wealth of signs, symbols and reminders.
Our home is decorated with signs of joy at the presence of Jesus among us.
Spread at our feet are gifts; symbols of the love we share.
We pray in gratitude for these gifts, and even more for the person giving the gift.
In each gift we see a sign of love.
Love that begins with you and finds it fullest expression in your own greatest gift to us: your Son, Jesus. Through him we pray in joy and thanksgiving on this Christmas Day.
- Read Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright and then bless a random family with a Christmas Jar. The Christmas Jar tradition was started in 2005 by the author and his family. He went on to publish his family's idea in this book which became a New York Times Best Seller and a new Christmas Classic. This could be a great tradition to start with your family.
- Visit a living nativity scene if you have one in your area or watch The Nativity movie as a family
- Serve as a family. Ring bells for the salvation army, Select a person from the Angel Tree, participate in a Coat Drive or Mitten Drive
- See a Christmas Play. Every year our church does a children's production of a Christmas play. If your church doesn't do this, check other area churches. I'm sure one in your area will be doing one.
- Consider 3 gifts in relection of the 3 gifts the wise men brought to baby Jesus. There are many different variations of this. If you do Santa, you can do 3 from Santa and 3 from family. Or you can simply do 3 total gifts.
- Reflect it in your shopping by supporting charity organizations. There are many different organizations that support different causes. Choose a cause that stirs something in your heart. Here's what stirs mine. Or as a family select a gift to bless someone in need. Here's what we're doing this year.
However you choose to celebrate this year, keep your focus on Him and have a Merry CHRISTmas!
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What a beautiful post!
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