Our 4th of July celebration will wrap up this week with our annual viewing of the fireworks off of the lake. The town we live in has a festival/carnival every year and the fireworks are always on the Sunday that the festival ends. I’m still not used to the fireworks being on a different day than the actual 4th, but we’ve learned to adjust. It’s actually been nice this year to spread out the celebrating. It’s given me a lot of time to ponder independence and freedom.

What does Freedom mean to you?
A simple definition of the 4th of July (also know as Independence Day) is the day we celebrate our declaration of independence from Great Britain. It is a day where families celebrate with picnics, barbecues, parades and fireworks. We hang our American flags to show our pride for our country and the American tradition and for our political freedom.
We live in “The Land of the Free.”
But unfortunately not everyone is free. It is estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked to the U.S. annually.
To a victim it of human trafficking, freedom means something altogether different.
What does Freedom mean to you?
A simple definition of the 4th of July (also know as Independence Day) is the day we celebrate our declaration of independence from Great Britain. It is a day where families celebrate with picnics, barbecues, parades and fireworks. We hang our American flags to show our pride for our country and the American tradition and for our political freedom.
We live in “The Land of the Free.”
But unfortunately not everyone is free. It is estimated that 14,500 to 17,500 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked to the U.S. annually.
To a victim it of human trafficking, freedom means something altogether different.
It can mean something as simple as:
- A safe place to sleep
- Freedom to come and go as they please
- Being able to keep money they earn
- To make their own decisions
- To be called by their own name rather than one given to them by a pimp
- The ability to pursue their own dreams
There are a number of great organizations fighting for the freedom of those in slavery.
This July 4th as we celebrate our independence, consider supporting one of those organizations through prayer and/or donations.
I often think about how a victim of trafficking can ever heal from the atrocities that have happened to them. I can not begin to imagine the amount of healing and restoration that needs to take place. The Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Church recently said "The best gift you can give a human being is an introduction to a God who loves them."
I often think about how a victim of trafficking can ever heal from the atrocities that have happened to them. I can not begin to imagine the amount of healing and restoration that needs to take place. The Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Church recently said "The best gift you can give a human being is an introduction to a God who loves them."
I wholeheartedly agree!
The bible tells us in John 8:32
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
I pray that all rescued victims come to know the truth of Jesus Christ. That someone will teach them about the love and peace that comes from Him. That true healing and freedom can be experienced as they come to know the great love our Father has lavished on us. That they will come to know Jesus as their own personal Lord and Savior. And that by knowing Him they will begin to experience true healing and to be set free.
Free from the control of another human being
Free from physical abuse
Free from emotional abuse
Free to make their own decisions
Free to pursue their own dreams
They may never forget the traumatic things they have experienced, but I pray that they will come to know peace. The peace of God, which passes all understanding
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