April is
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
9th: IJM Stand For Freedom
Stand with us for 24 hours to forever
change your community's awareness of the everyday violence of those
trapped in modern day slavery.
Locate an event near you, donate
or sign the petition here: Stand
For Freedom
April 10th: Modern Day Slavery 7:00- 8:30
Library - Rasmussen RoomApril 10th: Modern Day Slavery 7:00- 8:30
130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg
Presenter Susan Miura will explain more about this crime, what is being done and what you can do. Speakers include two Chicago-based FBI agents and representatives of Bright Hope and the Dalit Freedom Network. Information packets will be provided. Light refreshments will be served. To register, call (847) 923-3347 or stop by the Information Desk on the library's second floor.
April 16th: Take Back The Night from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
McHenry County College Leucht Conference Center
8900 Hwy 14, Crystal Lake
Join us in illuminating the darkness surrounding sexual violence. Starting at 6:00 will be a Resource Fair in the Commons area with many organizations represented. Speakers will begin at 6:30 in Luecht Conference Center. Sarah Mathe from Voice, Molly Horton from Turning Point, Katie Gaughan from Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation will be discussing issues surrounding this topic and taking questions. Survivors will be speaking. A march around campus will follow and end at the peace pole with a fire pit for a moment of reflection. All are invited.
14th & 17th: "Half The Sky" Documentary Viewing 7 p.m Schaumburg Library - Audiovisual Theatre
130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg
The documentary
"Half the Sky" (NR) will be shown in two parts at 7 p.m.
Monday, April 14 and Thursday, April 17. "Half the Sky"
urges people to bear witness to the plight of the world's women and
help to transform their oppression into opportunity.
130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg
April 21st: "Trade of Innocents" (PG13) 7 p.m
Schaumburg Library - Audiovisual Theatre
130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg
The story takes place in present day Southeast Asia, where children are for sale in dark alleys and secret rooms. Twists unfold against the backdrop of the dangerous human trafficking world, in a story of struggle, life, hope and redemption. Registration is not required for the documentary or movie.
Schaumburg Library - Rasmussen Room
130 S. Roselle Rd., Schaumburg
The library's non-fiction book club, Second Floor Reads, will discuss Half the Sky, Changing Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, Visit the Information Desk on the second floor to register. Loan copies of the book are available on a first-come, first-served basis upon registration.
For more information, contact Anna Pederson at apederson@stdl.org or (847) 923-3326.
May 1st: West Chicagoland Anti-Trafficking Coalition Mixer 7:00 pm
Missions Place by TEAM
370 W Front Street, Wheaton
Downtown Wheaton at the TEAM'S Missions Place for a casual evening of visiting, sharing what is going on in our community, and a short panel discussion with key local leaders on human trafficking. Refreshments will be served. Come and learn how you can make a difference!
the Date!
May 10th: Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children Training Seminar
Willow Creek Church Crystal Lake
220 Exchange Parkway, Crystal Lake
Victims of human trafficking may look like many of the people you see everyday. Would you be able to recognize them if you came in contact with one? Would you know what signs to look for? Would you know what questions to ask or who to call? This seminar will prepare you to recognize the commercial exploitation of children, identify the risk factors and much more. Agenda and cost information can be found Here
Register Here
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