Many times when you hear people speak on the subject of human trafficking you hear the warning not to get caught up in the numbers. Tell the story not the stats they will say.
That is because these statistics are more than just numbers. They represent real people. Each and every one of them has a face and a name. They have a story. Each and every one of them matters to God. Their story matters to God.
We can hear the statistics and become frozen with hopelessness. We are unable to act because we can't possibly see how we could make a difference.
But let's focus on the numbers for just a minute.
The current estimates are that there are 30 million people in the world living in slavery. The number is staggering. It's hard to comprehend. To give you an idea of just how many people we are talking about...
The largest NFL stadium is the FedExField. Home of the Washington Redskins. Official seating capacity of 85,000.
This stadium would have to sell out every night for 352 nights to reach 30,000,000 in attendance. That's each and every night for almost an entire year.
For me, that really puts the issue into perspective.
30 Million.
The number is overwhelming.

There are 2.2 Billion Christians in the world who can do something to save them. The job is risky, but there are lives at stake. People who are living in darkness. Who have no hope.
30 Million. The harvest is plentiful, but the risk takers are few. People who need to know the meaning of freedom. People who need to know the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Would you risk that God might use you?
This stadium would have to sell out every night for 352 nights to reach 30,000,000 in attendance. That's each and every night for almost an entire year.
For me, that really puts the issue into perspective.
30 Million.
The number is overwhelming.

There are 2.2 Billion Christians in the world who can do something to save them. The job is risky, but there are lives at stake. People who are living in darkness. Who have no hope.
30 Million. The harvest is plentiful, but the risk takers are few. People who need to know the meaning of freedom. People who need to know the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Would you risk that God might use you?
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