WAR Chest Boutique is an arm of Women at Risk International. Traffic victims are given shelter and care in one of their 5 safe houses and trained with a skill to help them go forward in life. The items are sold online at their website or one of 3 store front locations in Naperville, IL; Wyoming; and Michigan. The website allows you to shop by the country where the product was made. During the month of December a portion of proceeds will benefit New Name when you mention New Name at checkout. New Name is a ministry in Chicago that reaches out to women in the sex industry This beautiful journal sells for $10

Hearts For Hearts Dolls are an alternative to the popular American Girl Dolls and a great opportunity to teach your child about those less fortunate. The Hearts For Hearts Girls mission is to empower girls to become agents of change in their communities, their countries, and around the world. We want to change the world one heart at a time, and you can be a part of that dream! There are ten multi-cultural Hearts For Hearts Girls dolls and each of them has an important story to tell about life in her country. They are inspired by stories of real girls who are strong, smart, courageous, and determined to rise above challenging circumstances. When you buy a doll, Hearts For Hearts Girls donates part of the purchase price through our charitable partner, World Vision, to programs that support girls in that country. Whether it’s malaria nets in Africa, ducks in India, education in Mexico or food supplies in the US, these programs help children to thrive and succeed. The dolls are considerably less than American Girls dolls and sell for just $27.99
IJM (International Justice Mission) is a human rights agency that brings rescue to victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. When you shop their Gift Catalog you can give directly to a specific mission of IJM. Choose from things like fund a sex trafficking rescue operation or help a widow start a small business.
Consider purchasing something from their catalog as a family.
For the person who has everything how about Donating to a Cause in their name? There are many great organizations out there. I recently highlighted a few of my favorites in yesterday's post. These organization are doing amazing work to help victims of human trafficking.
Or simply shop from a Fair Trade retailer. Fair Trade retailers adhere to standards such as those banning child and slave labor and guaranteeing a safe workplace.
Happy Shopping...
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