"Red Rover, Red Rover, send Billy over"
If your name was the one called, your mission was to run at full speed and attempt to break through the human chain that opposed you. If the chain was strong enough you would not be able to break through.
Imagine what the game would be like if everyone lined up and stood next to each other, but did not link arms. Each person just stood with their arms down to their side, doing their own thing. Maybe the person chosen to run is bigger that you and you're afraid of getting hurt. Perhaps you don't like the teammate next to you and don't want to hold their hand. Maybe you've never won at this game before so why should now be any different? How easy would it be for the other team to break through?
Obviously, this scenario wouldn't work. The object of the game is to link arms, making you stronger, and making it as difficult as possible for someone to get through.
This simple children's game is a great illustration of what needs to happen in the fight against human trafficking. I picture each person as an organization with their arms linked to another. Each one with a different name; churches, non-profits, government agencies, businesses, law makers, after care programs, individuals - all standing together, arms linked in a united front saying NO!
"We stand together and Pimps and Traffickers are no longer getting through!"
Ecclesiastes 4:12 New Living Translation (NLT)
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
I love the NLT version of Ecclesiastes 4:12 because it says we can conquer. It doesn't matter if the person coming towards us is bigger than us or if the traffickers have been the ones winning at this game for far too long. We can create partnerships and work together and we can conquer!
We are actually beginning to see collaboration in the Chicago area. Many organizations and churches are sharing resources and volunteers. It's a beautiful thing to see.
No one person, organization or church can do it all. We do what we can with how God has equipped us. When we link arms and stand together, we create a barrier against the evil of human trafficking and together we can create change.
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