When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. (Matthew 14:14)
When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”
Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” (Luke 7:13-14)
But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. (Luke 10:33-34)
In each of these biblical narratives, Jesus sees a need, is filled with compassion, and then moves to meet a need. Marcus taught us that if we live in Jesus (as a believer) that we will live out Jesus (we would love like Jesus did.)
Look - See the need
The first step in Jesus's pattern is to look. To see the need. What keeps you from seeing the needs that are all around us? I believe that our frantic pace of life can play a part. When we are overscheduled and moving too fast we can hurry past the needs right in front of us. Do we pay attention to the promptings of the Holy Spirit or do we brush it away because we "don't have time?" Where in your life do you need to slow down?
What do we look for? Here are some Red Flags to help you spot Human Trafficking:
- Chronic runaway/truant/homeless youth
- Has goods or services they cannot afford
- Carries multiple cell phones
- Excessive amounts of cash
- Signs of branding (tattoos with a name, symbol, or bar code)
- Lies about age or has false identification
- Restricted and/or scripted communication (story may seem rehearsed)
- Inconsistencies in their story
- Avoids eye contact
- Appears scared/nervous
- Lack of knowledge about where they are or why
- Signs of psychological trauma and abuse (anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, panic attacks, lack of emotion)
- Typically has someone with them at all times. This person may seem controlling or speak for the victim.
Love - Overflow with compassion
The next step in Jesus's pattern is to be filled with compassion. Do you struggle with seeing those who are disadvantaged as being made in the image of God and having intrinsic value because they have been made in His image? Do you dismiss their needs because you view them as "less than" or unworthy of your time? When we take the time to look honestly at the needs and suffering around us we should be filled with compassion. I believe that if we begin to see all people as valuable we will be filled with compassion no matter what their circumstances are. We don't know what has occurred in their life up to this point. If we pass judgment, we miss an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If this is an area where you struggle, consider asking God to give you eyes to see and a heart of compassion.
Live it out - Move to meet the need
The last step in Jesus's pattern is to move to meet the need. If we are slowing down to see the needs and having compassion for those needs, how can we then not be moved to action? I often wonder if we allow fear to hold us back? If we operate from a place of fear we shrink back and allow fear to paralyze us, but if we operate from a place of love we are filled with compassion and compelled to find a way to meet the need.
I recently attended a trauma training where the speaker said that it's not what we know, but how we show up that matters. In order to meet the need, we must be willing to show up. We must be willing to go into uncomfortable places and situations. We don't have to possess all the answers, we just have to be present. This speaker also said that isolation is as deadly as cigarette smoking. God created us to be in community and fellowship. To bear one another's burdens. Sometimes simply knowing someone is there for you and is willing to walk your difficult journey with you can give you a glimmer of hope. Hope changes things. It makes the impossible suddenly seem not so far out of reach. It allows you to see light where before there was only darkness.
Where do you need to let go of fear and start to live it out? If we allow fear to control us and remain on the sidelines, we may be missing a front row seat when God does a miracle.
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