- Websites like Backpage.com provide avenues for traffickers to advertise and sell women and children on line. Write to the company and urge them to shut down their adult services ads. Read this post to learn more about Backpage. Read this post to sign an online petition or contact your state government to stop Backpage.
- Teach your children to follow NetSmart rules, www.netsmartz.org/Parents
- Do not give out their
phone number
- Never give your
- Do not give your
school name
- Never give team names
or after school activities
- Be careful of your
picture on the Internet
- Don’t accept friend
requests on Facebook from someone you don’t know
- Teach your children to identify inappropriate Internet interactions. Encourage open dialogue with then so they feel comfortable reporting any improper or uncomfortable online activity.
- Teach them to never plan a face to face meeting with someone they met online. Teach them that people may not be who they have said they are.
- If you notice exploitation of children online
call 1-800-843-5678
to report child pornography or visit www.missingkids.com to make a
- Learn as much as you can. Vist websites for internet safety:
- Be actively involved.
Supervise their
computer use.
Keep access to
computers in an open area of your home.
Know their on line
activities and friends
Be aware of what photos
they are posting
- Make sure the privacy settings for Facebook are
set up correctly. Under “account
settings” there are a variety of privacy settings that limit who can view
your child’s page and get access to their profile. Make sure their date of birth is not
visible to viewers.
- Install a Safety Filter such as Net Nanny
- Install Monitoring software. This is different than a safety filter
in that it actually tracks keystrokes and internet activity.
I'm learning more from this post about internet safety for kids. Parents would sure get a lot of points from this! :)