Unfortunately, trafficking can and does involve school-age children - particularly
those not living with their parents. Sex traffickers target children because of
their vulnerability. They will
typically look for children with low self esteem. Sadly, there is a great demand for young victims. The average age
of entry into prostitution is 12 to 14 years old and traffickers are known to
recruit at schools and after-school programs.
Recruitment can take multiple forms, including:
solicitation by other women or girls who are recruiting on
behalf of the sex trafficker
the “loverboy” approach of appearing genuinely interested
in a romantic relationship while gradually coercing the victim into
Warning signs
Has unexplained
absences from school for a period of time, and is therefore a truant
Demonstrates an
inability to attend school on a regular basis
runs away from home
references to frequent travel to other cities
bruises or other physical trauma, withdrawn behavior, depression, or fear
Lacks control
over her or his schedule or identification documents
hungry-malnourished or inappropriately dressed (based on weather conditions or
Shows signs of
drug addiction
Additional signs that may indicate sex-related trafficking
Demonstrates a
sudden change in attire, behavior, or material possessions (e.g., has expensive
references to sexual situations that are beyond age-specific norms
Has a
“boyfriend” who is noticeably older (10+ years)
references to terminology of the commercial sex industry that are beyond
age-specific norms
Engages in
promiscuous behavior and may be labeled “fast” by peers
Source: U.S. Department of Education
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