This weekend: March 8th and 9th
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Batstone (founder of the non-profit anti-human trafficking organization Not For Sale) and Carry The Fire (a U of I student organization devoted to human trafficking) are coming together for a two-day conference where people will come together to learn more about what we can do to help abolish modern day slavery. This is a free event.

This weekend: March 10th from 4pm to 6pm
An Afternoon of Awareness with Love 146
Ravenswood Event Center - Chicago, IL
Please join us for an afternoon of awareness for child sex trafficking and exploitation.
Appetizers and beverages will be served and items will be available for purchase.
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased here
March 15th from 7-9 pm
Theresa Flores from S.O.A.P
Beloit College in Beloit, WI (Moore Lounge in Pearsons Hall)
SOAP is an Outreach that aims to distribute thousands of bars of soap with the National Human Trafficking Hotline number and key identifying questions FREE to local motels.
You can learn more here
March 20th at 7:30 pm
Human Trafficking Forum
Willowcreek Church South Barrington, IL Room F360
Guest speaker is Anny Donewald of Eve's Angels.
Eve's Angels is a ministry reaching out to women in the adult entertainment industry.
April 1st from 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Sex ReBranded: A Men's Only event
2239 South Michigan Ave Chicago, IL
Traffick Free invites you to a night of introduction and discussion about human trafficking from a guy's perspective. One drink and appetizers will be provided and a cash bar is available. There is a $10 suggested donation at the door for this event.
Please pre-register here
Looking Ahead:
May 11–26, 2013
Shakespeare Theater presents Roadkill
Based on the real life experiences of a young woman trafficked from Nigeria, Scottish writer/director Cora Bissett's critically acclaimed, site-specific theatrical and multi-media event explores the terrifying complexities of human trafficking.
Ticket prices were not listed.
October 10 - November 17, 2013
They are the young women and children who have been kidnapped, brainwashed, life threatened, brutalized, drugged and beaten into the slavery of sex trafficking. Based on True Stories.
Tickets $35
Proceeds benefit The Salvation Army - PROMISE program, Anne's House and
The Dreamcatcher Foundation
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