Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One Word For 2016 - Choose

I’m finally getting around to posting my One Word for 2016.  This past year I have really struggled with keeping my emotions in check.  When praying for God to give me a word for 2016 I kept sensing something along the lines of perspective or choice.  So the word that I’ve settled on is choose.

God created us with free will.  The power to choose.

Each and every day we have choices to make.  Simple things like am I going to hit the snooze button just once more and risk being late or will I get up and get moving now so the rest of my morning goes smoothly. And more important choices like how I will react to certain situations or comments.  Will I let my anger rise up and respond with something I’ll regret or will I bite my tongue until I have a chance to calm down.  I have to choose.

“When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise” (Prov. 10:19).

I find it interesting that one of the ways to sign the word sin in sign language is by pointing your index fingers at the corners of your mouth and then doing a circular motion away from the mouth with your fingers. So often we can sin by what comes out of our mouth.  Our words or even the tone of our words can cause us to sin. We can choose if our words will build up or tear down.  It’s something I want to be more mindful of this year. 

And as I think about this word choose and the power it has over my life, I can’t help but think about this power at work in the lives of women who are in The Life.  As we reach out to them, we are presenting them with a different option. We let them know that there are people who care and resources that are available.  We place this information in their lap, but they have to be the one to choose what to do with that information. 

For you and I, this choice might seem obvious, but to them it is not that simple.  Their life may seem chaotic, unstable and even scary at times to us, but to them it’s what they know.  It’s what is familiar. And don’t we all love to cling to what’s familiar even though it may not be God’s best for us? That quick temper – we justify it by saying “Well that’s just the way I am.”  No, it’s what is familiar to you, but not God’s best for you.  

Ultimately, for these women we reach out to, our hope is that they choose life.  The biggest and most life altering choice we all must make in our lifetime is whether we choose life or death.

Jesus and His death on the cross offers us life.  An abundant life.  Eternal Life.  We are all just one choice away from forever.  You, me, my neighbor down the street.  We all have to choose.  And that choice will last forever, into eternity.

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."  Joshua 24:15 

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