Tuesday, August 29, 2017

After Care Homes In Illinois for Sex Trafficking Victims

"The #1 goal for helping a victim of trafficking is finding that person housing.  Bouncing around from homeless shelters, to acquaintance's houses or hotels is not stable.  If we're not them providing housing, the are at risk for re-exploitation."
~ Darci Jenkins, Cook Count Human Trafficking Task Force

This past month, our team was trying to find placement for a survivor that we were working with and it proved to be a difficult task to find a safe place where she could find healing.  Many of the places we contacted were full or had a 2-3 week waiting list.

A 2013 Report on the residential programs for victims of sex trafficking found that there was a total of only 33 residential programs in operation exclusive to trafficking victims with only a total of 682 beds.  Only 2 of those programs were located in Illinois.  With the increased awareness around the issue of sex trafficking there has been also been an increase in the programs available, but many more are needed.  With an estimated 16,000 – 25,000 women and girls exploited annually in the Chicago area alone there is severe shortage of places for women to go who wish to escape this type of lifestyle.

Here's what is currently available in Illinois for victims of sex trafficking and it's a definite improvement over the 2013 findings:

For Minors:
Anne's House
Reclaim 13

For Women 18 and Older:
Naomi's House
Refuge For Women
Selah Freedom

These restorative after care homes offer long-term, trauma-informed care for victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation.  In these residential, family type environments the women are provided the specialized, holistic after care that is needed.  In addition to providing a safe place to recover, these homes offer the necessary medical treatment, counseling, drug and alcohol treatment programs, education programs, life skills, job skills, and nutritional classes.

The need for these types of after care homes is great.  There are far more victims than there are beds available across the United States for them to heal. The trauma these women have experienced is complex and many do no have safe families that they can return to.  Without a safe place to go, many women have no choice, but to return to their exploitive situation.   Will you join us in praying for more homes like these where women can be restored and redeemed?

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