modern day
slavery. This was my second time viewing the movie and it was just as emotional for me as the first time I saw it. The film really gives you a sense of how ugly this crime is. Here are some of the countries highlighted in the film.
Eastern Europe is referred to at the Frontier of Failure. In Moldova, 10% of the popluation is trafficked. A large percentage are orphans.
In Amsterdam prostition is legal. In the red light district girls wearing little clothing move suggestively behind glass windows trying to sell themselves. However 60% of prostitutes report being physically abused. Clearly legalizing prostitution is not the answer.
In Thailand the extremely poor social conditions remove personal choice from the equation. Young girls go the the city looking for work. The Thailand government won't grant them citizenship so they are unable to get a job. It then becomes an exploitation of vulnerability. The government actually had a billboard advertising the young women of Thailand. Many times young girls are actually bought from their parents.
In Cambodia 80-90% of parents are selling their daughters into the sex trade. They will sell their own kids in order to get better things. Meanwhile, the men sit around and drink beer all day. Girls are groomed to enter the sex industry and conditioned to do this to honor their parents with the money they make. In Cambodia, when a girl is born, the parents are told "A girl - you scored the jackpot" because they know the girl can be sold. Don Brewster of Agape told the story of visiting a "Karaoke bar." There were 200-300 girls with #'s on their chest so they could be chosen by their #. Sadly, there were 80 rooms in this karaoke bar and this particular owner owned 8 of this same type of karaoke bars. Even sadder was the receipt he received:
Beer $4
Grapes $5
Girl $3
He talked to 3 girls and tried to get them to leave, but before they could he had to get permission from the mothers. All 3 moms said no because they needed the money.
Las Vegas girls are lured in by the illusion of glamour, but quickly find out otherwise. There is actually a published "tricks of the trade" which in reality is more of a "stay alive guide." The girls are told things like never wear scarves because you can be choked with them; when you enter a room drop your keys on the floor so you can look under the bed and see if there are handcuffs or a gun; don't wear high heals because you won't be able to run.
Sweden is the model for ending trafficking. Here the law is aimed at stopping demand. They arrest men for buying sex and the sentence is equivalent to a US felony. This has changed the market for sex because buyers are afraid to get caught. Sweden has chosen to value the sanctity of human life over fueling the sexual appetite of men. As a result Sweden has the lowest rate of trafficking.
Here is the movie trailer:
To purchase Nefarious Click Here. The film cost $20, but the education you receive is priceless. Consider purchasing the film and hosting a movie night for your neighborhood or church group. If you are showing to less than 30 people you do not need a license. 100% of ALL proceeds will go directly toward combating the global crisis of sex slavery
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